

CONICET visits our plant in Puerto Tirol

We received in our Biomass Energy Generation plant the engineer Vera Alejandra Alvarez, who is the new president of the Argentine Nanotechnology Foundation (FAN). She is an outstanding professional as a scientific disseminator, teacher and Argentine researcher specialized in nanomaterials for water remediation. She is vice-director of CONICET, of the Mar del Plata Scientific and Technological Center, of INTEMA and of INQUISUR.

She is currently leading the project to open a branch of the FAN at the Faculty of Engineering of the UNNE in Resistencia, Chaco. The main objective of the FAN is to link the different actors involved and generate a favorable environment for the development of nanotechnologies in our country.

Circular economy and polyethylene recycling

As part of its circular economy, Unitan has delivered as part of its Corporate Social Responsibility Management to an SME from Chaco, dedicated to the recycling of plastics.

Unitan delivered 32,000 kg of unused linear low density polyethylene (LDPE) bags to be used in the manufacture of recycled plastic pallets.

Carbon Credits Conference at Rural 23

Last July 24 at the Expo Rural 23, Unitan participated in the Forestry-Industry Commission. There, forestry engineer Jose Otaran presented our afforestation and reforestation projects on pastures.

Among other technical aspects, the analysis of applicability of plantations to the Standard and the AR-ACM003 Methodology was discussed in detail.

For more information, see the complete presentation here.


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